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Which pictures on our screen in 10 years  ?

Michele Diana 2018.jpg

M Diana


N Bourdel T Collins

Capture d’écran 2018-12-28 à

L Soler

Capture d’écran 2018-12-28 à

S Mordon


G Chene

The 21st century OR from endoscopy to functional MRI and fluorescence M Diana (France)


Augmented Reality for deformable and moving target T Collins; N Bourdel (France)


Augmented surgery from image to computer guided surgery L Soler (France)


Fluorescence for diagnosis to fluorescence guided surgery and finally to photodynamic therapy in gynecologic oncology. Will an old dream become true? S Mordon (France)


Optical biopsy, in vivo microscopy from gynecology to basic questions on a new technology G Chêne (France)

To see the Video click on the speaker

Main Sessions

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Capture d’écran 2018-08-30 à
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