Should or will the OR become an Airline cockpit ?
Black box recording and video recording of the procedure Rationale T Grantcharov (Canada)
* (The video of Pr Grantcharov is a Ted Talk recorded in 2015)
Black box recording: airline pilot experience and current perspectives JE Villalta (France)
Video recording of the surgical procedure should become compulsory P Koninckx (Belgium)
Data Science: Making Predictions from the Massive Digital Data of the Modern World J Peyras (France)
Black Box recording of surgery data experience and perspective after one year A Van Dalen (Netherlands)
** Pr Schijven is head of department of Dr Van Dalen. The video was not recorded during the meeting but illustrates the philosophy of the team in using of black box
Real-time Analysis of the Surgical Workflow : Moving towards a Surgical Control Tower N Padoy (France)
To see the Video click on the speaker
M Schijven**
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